Monday, December 28, 2009

The Appendage Predicament.

Want to know what happens when you mix 1 part Haley with equal parts coffee, sleep deprivation, sugar, Benadryl, and odd metaphors*? Well, you're about to find out. Don't say I didn't warn ya though...

I had just given a metaphor to my lovely friend Posh. It mentioned safe vs. dangerous car speeds and forgetting something+ and going back for it. We both begin to wonder at what he had forgotten. This is what I came up with...

SporkGirl: Maybe he lost one of the parts to his vehicular device? Those are obviously important are they not?
Or an appendage?

Posh: yes, that could be it
one of the two lol

SporkGirl: I hear those can just randomly fall off at very inappropriate times.
Posh: yes, & i hate when that happens
hmph. lol

SporkGirl:OH I know what you mean, last week i uh...arm! MY arm fell off! Boy did that suck.
AND you wouldn't imagine the doctors bills for getting it reattached. It was absolutely dreadful!

Spork On

*metaphor, metaphive...whatever it takes.
+ I am not at liberty to give the full metaphor at this time. Apologies.
# The entire conversation was conducted over Messenger, hence the format.


There are people who God just throws at you. People He puts there for you to care for and for them to care about you. I happen to be blessed with two such individuals. You know who you are and I love you both dearly. This is for you.

Life is hard. Always has been, always will be. But it's the difficulties that make it worthwhile. And they can make you stronger. And the great thing about it is you never have to go through them alone. These girls have stood by me and I them for quite a while now and we know each other so well. These two are just so full of wisdom and spunk and I don't even know if the realize it half the time. just listening to them talk makes me so beyond happy. we can spend hours talking about absolutely everything and be absolutely serious and then next thing you know we're being complete frootloops and should be locked up in straight jackets!

But I rely on them because they know me and I know them and we know each other and there is just so much knowledge going on! Together we've made each other stronger and have come to the realization that we are complete masochists. And I Love them.
Sisters...Sisters...There were never such devoted sisters...All kinds of weather...We stick together...The same in the rain or sun...Two diff'rent faces...But in tight places......We think and we act as one...I'm there to keep my eye on her... ~ From Irving Berlin's White Christmas

Long the live KD Girls!

Spork On.

Finding Yourself

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

Who am I? It's a valid question. A question everyone faces eventually. But how do we find out? What can show us? Who can tell us? Why do we even need to know? I'll tell you why...We are not supposed to spend our entire life hiding behind a mask! And in truth it's just something you have to stumble upon. Like it just runs through your brain one day and you're all like, "OH, I get it now." No one can tell you who you are except yourself. So don't pretend to be something you're not. I know I do on occasion. And please don't be someone just to make someone else happy. Is there happiness really more important than you're own personal well being? And all truth be told why would you spend your time with someone you have to be fake for? If they don't truly love you for who you are (faults, mistakes, and all that jazz included) then they have no business with you.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not. ~Andre Gide

Finding yourself and accepting it is a lifelong journey. An important one that will teach you many things about yourself that you may have never known; limits, dreams, capabilities, strenghts, weaknesses. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't have to be anything we're not for anyone. And the sooner we realize that the better.
He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. ~Raymond Hull

Spork On.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The August Adventure

It has been a crazy roller-coaster-of-a ride since the last time I posted! I bought myself a beautiful electric blue Coby mp3 player with my left over birthday money and let me tell you that was probably the best $40 I have ever spent. I've been slowly preparing for my third semester of college and final year of high school. I'm taking three classes at the H.S. and three at the college and I need to pick up my final books by the end of this week because class starts on the 23rd. And I can't help but repeatedly slam my head into a blunt object whenever I see how much my books are going to cost. Lucky for me I found them all on EBay and Amazon which saved me about $150. I seriously recommend getting every possible book someplace other than the college itself. They rob you of your money and then act like they're doing you a favor when they give you back $15 for a $150 book! But enough of that I have other things to tell you!

District conference was this weekend and it was awesometastic! {Don't argue with my language usage, just go with it.} For those of you who don't know what that is...
The Michigan District of the Church of The Brethren had their annual get together. Fascinating, no? We left on Friday morning after a hurried night of last-minute packing n' such. Friday was slow and quite frankly I didn't enjoy myself as much. But Saturday was amazing I met up with the youth group (see:ambush)and had a pretty amazing time. I even managed to find someone who's steadfastly becoming a solid friend. I can't explain how glorious it was to have worship everyday as well. And I went swimming...In a pool. *sigh* I like pools.

And now that we have returned home it's time to rush headlong into the 'before school' schedule. Which means an epic amount of cleaning on my part, shopping and a lot of lists because I like lists. Wish me luck!

Well, I should probably sign off now. NOAA is indicating a pretty wicked thunderstorm in our area and I want to post this before we lose power.

Spork On

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oodles & Noodles

So far my summer has been...slow. As stated previously I attended Camp Brethren Heights in late June with Sami. It was definitely not what I had been expecting. I had genuine fun! The food was good (not Prager good but close), the people were entertaining to say the least, and I just had a good time. Sadly that was just about the biggest thing I've done all summer.

My 17th birthday came and went on the thirteenth of this month. It was nice not a big party but then again it never is. My family got me a cowbell! Pretty wicked huh? I bet you wish you had a cowbell? Jealous? You should be!

My various gardens are doing well. This year's edible lineup includes: Zucchini, pumpkins (which I did not plant), bell peppers (green orange and purple), six variations of tomatoes, basil, chives, oregano, lettuce, spinach, raspberries, blackberries, and pickling cucumbers. What a list, huh?

On a side note I will be a senior come fall. Scary isn't it?